Employ Ability
Service Wicklow
Employment support service for people with an illness, disability or mental health difficulty
To help stem the flow of people with disabilities and extra support needs into long-term unemployment by facilitating integration into suitable and fulfilling mainstream employment. To form alliances and working partnerships with other organisations and service providers throughout County Wicklow to meet organisational objectives.
To play an active and leading role in County Wicklow in informing and influencing employers with regard to the benefits of employing individuals with disabilities.
To set and promote world-class standards in employment and placement services within a framework of total quality and continuous improvement.
We hope you enjoy browsing our site and find the information helpful.
We are a limited company by guarantee
Looking for Work?
Looking for Work?
Local Inclusive Employers
Free & Confidential Service
Jobseeker Supports

1-1 Support

Employment & Career Goals

Job Sourcing Assistance

Interview Preparation

On-The-Job Support
Employer Supports

Free Advice & Support

Financial Incentives

Access to Skilled Workforce

Workplace Support Information

Fully trained & skilled employment specialists
Book A Meeting
Whether you are a Jobseeker, a member of a disadvantaged group, an individual in recovery from addiction or an Employer we are happy to help you.
Our aim is to source sustainable employment for people with a long-term illness, injury or disability and support them into that employment. We provide information and support to both Jobseekers and local employers to promote inclusion & diversity in the workplace.

Success Stories

EmployAbility Services are funded by the Irish Government through the Department of Social Protection
Tá Seirbhísí Infhostaitheachta maoinithe ag Rialtas na hÉireann tríd an Roinn Gnóthaí Fostaíochta agus Coimirce Sóisialaí